How to Get Ready for a Puppy

First time dog owner? Has it been awhile since you’ve had a puppy in your home? Adopting a puppy can be a major adjustment for most people and families.  It can be a difficult transition, but with the right tools and preparation, you can be assured  that you will soon find yourself with a well-adjusted puppy and a perfect family companion.

What to Expect

  • Whining at night

  • Irregular stools at the beginning

  • Sleepy first days

  • Accidents

  • Lots and lots of CUDDLES!


With so many pet supplies on the market, it can be overwhelming trying to decide what you need and what you don’t.  We have compiled a list of our favorite must-haves for your new furry friend.

Crate: Dogs do not like to sleep in their mess.  If their crate is too big, they will do their business in one side of the crate and sleep in the other.  We prefer to choose a crate with a divider, so as the pup grows, you can move the divider to provide just enough space for them to sleep comfortably.

Training treats: Dogs learn best with positive reinforcement. Treats are very effective in rewarding good behavior.  It is important to have them on hand from the very beginning.

Dog food: Most breeders will send your puppy home with a small amount of food that they have been eating prior to leaving.  You can use this food until you are able to buy your own supply, or you can use it to transition to your desired food choice.  When choosing food for your puppy, make sure it is a puppy formula to help them continue to develop and grow in a healthy way.

Water/food bowl: A water bowl and food bowl are obvious needs. These do not need to be fancy, but we recommend getting the right size for your pup, as well as a rubber bottomed bowls so they don’t move all over the floor as your pup eats and drinks.

Chew Toys: It is a natural instinct for pups to chew on anything and everything.  It is important to provide them with something that is appropriate to chew on so they don’t chew on things that you don’t want them to, like your ankles. 

Carpet cleaner: It is inevitable that your puppy will have accidents inside the house.  If you have carpet, you will want an enzymatic formula carpet cleaner.  Along with cleaning the carpet, you will want to remove the odor to prevent further messes in those particular places.

Collar/harness/leash: Leash training is important for your pup.  Some people prefer a harness.  The decision is yours.

Poop baggies: Your neighbors will appreciate you for this.

Brush: Your pup’s coat will determine the type of brush you will want to have on hand.  A slicker brush is great for bernedoodles, goldendoodles, and all kinds of doodles and poodles with curly coats!

Shampoo: Make sure the shampoo you choose for your puppy is a gentle, puppy shampoo. Some shampoos are meant for pups with specific types of coats, so double check before you buy. Here are some of our favorites, especially for our bernedoodle puppies:

First 24 Hours

The first thing you should do when you get home with your puppy is take him or her to the designated “potty place”, use your key word “potty, pee-pee, bathroom, etc”, and praise with words and a small training treat when puppy urinates.  Unless there are no outside options, an inside puppy pad is not encouraged.  Every time you take your puppy out to urinate, take puppy to the same location and use your key word.  When the job is finished, immediately praise with words and a treat.  Be consistent with potty time.  Take your puppy out every 20 to 30 minutes until you can recognize their potty habits.

Inside, take puppy to their crate and encourage them to enter with treats and toys.  Make sure to leave the door open so they feel safe and not anxious.  Their crate should become their favorite place. 

HERE is some more helpful information when it comes to potty-training!

Eating Schedule

Puppies should eat three meals a day.  To determine the portion size, refer to the recommendations of your breeder as well as the dog food.  Don’t feed your pup too close to bedtime to prevent accidents and late night potty trips. Eventually you will feed the pup only twice per day.


The Best Puppy Chew Toys